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Esta mesa es su mesa

Esta mesa es su mesa

This table is your table

From geography and climate to ethnicity and socioeconomic status, the diversity of the world is well-represented within our PSD mission field. And our Hispanic brothers and sisters make up a major segment of that diversity.

All the more reason to celebrate and thank God for the many PSD ministries focused on our Hispanic populations, especially the inaugural meeting of the Hispanic Circuit which occurred Saturday, September 18th.

More than 40 men and women gathered at the District office and online that day to join God anew in His mission to reach the lost in our Hispanic communities. Rev. Dominic Rivkin, PSD Mission Executive, and District President Rev. Dr. Mike Gibson provided opening devotion and remarks that helped set the tone for this important gathering:

“This table is your table. As the Hispanic ministry leaders in our District, we are here to learn from and to resource you as you lead us into the next season of Hispanic ministry in the PSD.”

Rev. Carlos Velazquez provided the Spanish translation for this foundational point: “Esta mesa es su mesa.” Rev. Velazquez, now serving as the Hispanic Circuit Visitor as he also serves as Assistant Pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Orange, CA, commented to the attendees,

“The next generations will remember this day; we honor the brothers and sisters who led the way. Let us walk in unity guided by the Holy Spirit, growing in knowledge, faith, and love for a world that cries out for its redemption.”

He clarified the Hispanic Circuit’s goals, including:

  • Become a dynamic bridge between the District and Hispanic missions.

  • Strengthen and resource our servant leaders in the mission field.

  • Identify outreach opportunities and new leaders to continue the missionary work.

“Our Lord Jesus Christ will lead us in the vanguard. Even if we face dark and uncertain moments of ministry, the Light of his Word illuminates us on the way. The message of the Gospel and the waters of our baptism strengthen us to continue forward.”

Rev. Velazquez stated. With enthusiastic singing and heartfelt prayer offered in Spanish, Mixtec, and English, the group dedicated themselves to the mission ahead.

Wrapping up the meeting, the attendees joined in wonderful fellowship and delicious homemade tamales, pan dulce, and other treats. Rev. Velazquez commented,

“As a family in Christ it wouldn’t be a real gathering without taking the time to eat together and enjoy each other’s company!”

Join us in Prayer

Join us in praying for our new Hispanic Circuit, Rev. Velazquez, and all those who serve our Hispanic communities, especially that God would do a mighty work through them in the PSD!

Looking for an Ethnic Ministry?

Use the link below to view the PSD Ethnic Ministry Directory


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