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An Answer to a Mother's Prayer - Little Lambs Preschool

The following is a message that was sent to Little Lambs Preschool in Boulder City, NV. If you are interested in learning more about this program or discovering ways you can partner, please contact Pastor Adam Stetson at

"As a mother of six, I had to face harsh realities when I realized that my boyfriend of 11 years became addicted to drugs. I tried to stand by his side through failed rehabs, methadone clinics and broken promises. There came a time where I needed to choose to give my children a new life. I found a part-time job and made plans. It was not an easy road, with so many people depending on me. The kids were used to me being a stay at home mom. We all have made changes and sacrifices. I became a single mom. I have been at my job for over a year. My children are safe and comfortable in a tiny, but cozy apartment. I am able to pay the rent. I am able to pay for electricity. I was able to buy a car and I pay for my own insurance.  It feels just amazing to see how far my family has come in less than a year!  I cannot pretend that we don't struggle. The cost of childcare for three children is a very large percentage of my little paycheck every month. I knew I had to cut corners somewhere.  Do I leave my little ones with a downstairs neighbor? Maybe the mom I met at a park? I am embarrassed to say these things have crossed my mind. 

This is when I found Little Lambs. I could feel the energy from the moment Jessica answered the phone. I knew this baby wearing, ray of sunshine would be a saving grace. I have finally found a childcare that I could completely put my trust and faith into! I actually cried the first time I spoke to Jessica. She explained how my children and I would be a part of this loving community, this loving family. She explained that my children would be getting a Faith Based Curriculum. (Not having attended Church for years, I have always felt my children were missing something.)  I know that there is something bigger than myself at work here. This program has truly been the answer to my prayers.  I know my children will be getting everything they need and it allows me to show up to work every day and provide for them. If you see Jessica, please thank her, because I just don't know how to thank a person for the dignity I have knowing I can support my kids on my own."

We are proud of the ministry at Little Lambs Preschool and pray God's continued blessings on the work being done and the families whose lives are being touched. We love receiving and sharing the stories of how God is working in the PSD, if you have something you'd like to share please let us know!

Pacific Southwest District-LCMS
1540 Concordia Drive East
Irvine, CA 92612-3203

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

The PSD office is open once again with staff present.
Please call or email before an unscheduled visit to ensure the staff member you wish to see will be on the premises. 

© 2024 Pacific Southwest District - LCMS

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