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Multi-Cultural Gathering

Multi-Cultural Ministries Gathering

Multi-Cultural Ministries Gathering
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Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Jose Nunez - Athletics For All

Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Jose Nunez - Athletics For All

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Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Jill Vidal - SONshine Preschool

Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Jill Vidal - SONshine Preschool

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Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Pastor Dietrick Gladden - Trinity Cristo Rey

Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Pastor Dietrick Gladden - Trinity Cristo Rey

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Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Fruitful Home

Multi-Cultural Ministries Conference - Fruitful Home

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As churches and ministries in increasingly multi-cultural contexts, we are faced with the challenge and opportunity of engaging our communities in new ways. In this year's gathering, we have five speakers in unique contexts sharing how they engage their communities with the Gospel and navigate the dynamics of culture. Their stories will stimulate conversation for the entire group to help us think through our own contexts and how we can be more effective in our own ministry settings.

"The Future of the psd is multi-cultural"

Rev. Dr. Larry Stoterau

Towards a Multi-Cultural Future


Networking multi-cultural ministries for learning, resourcing, and encouragement.


The Multi-Cultural Ministries Network of the PSD was formed out of conversations between pastors and leaders representing different cultures with a desire to work together through one another’s shared challenges and opportunities. This vision has compelled a number of pastors, leaders, and advocates in multi-cultural ministry to come together to empower the multi-cultural ministries of our district. The MCMN seeks to strengthen the network among the multi-cultural ministries by providing opportunities to learn from one another, resources for ministry and leadership development, and encouragement through fellowship opportunities.

Pacific Southwest District-LCMS
16355 Laguna Canyon Rd. #300
Irvine, CA 92618

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

The PSD office is open once again with staff present.
Please call or email before an unscheduled visit to ensure the staff member you wish to see will be on the premises. 

© 2024 Pacific Southwest District - LCMS

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