The PSD welcomes you to our community and invites you to participate in the discussions happening here. We invite you to share ideas and ask questions relevant to the community forum you are in. Please read the community guidelines below to help ensure this space remains a positive and encouraging place for all to share and encourage one another.
Take part in our discussions, give advice, and be nice. If you don't agree with an approach and have nothing positive or constructive to say, just keep on scrolling. Please don't reply to posts with an “I have some ideas. Call/email me for more info!” kind of answer. If you have an answer, share the answer.
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Swearing and using vulgarity, especially directed at someone else on the page: This kind of behavior is not welcome on a Christian forum and isn’t conducive to productive discussion.
Posting derogatory remarks, insults, abusive or intentionally inflammatory comments.
Posting off-topic comments/pushing your agenda across multiple unrelated posts: Keep your comments relevant to the thread you are on.
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Posting inappropriate imagery, videos, comments or any other offensive content.
Spamming the forum with phishing or other similar posts.