Tools for Video Connections
Tools for Video Connections (Consider alternate options to what youth are already using for school to help keep youth ministry time from looking too much like school)​
Tools for Ongoing Conversation/Discipleship
A Digital Small-Group Strategy In the Age of Social Distancing by Group Publishing:
VoiceThread: Create video lessons where students are able to reply with comments and video comments.
Ministry to
Important people to remember
Groups to make sure to reach out to at this time:
Young Adults in your community and across the country: This is a great time to build a connection point via some form of online video platform.
Parents who are now home with the kids full or nearly full time. Just offering a touch point to connect with other parents to share how things are going can do wonders.
Youth group online: Post a video link for when the youth group was regularly going to meet to meet together by video.
Children during worship at home: Post printable activity pages for younger kids to work on during the sermon time of streaming worship services.