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elementary school/middle school resources

This is a blog post from an elementary teacher in China with some good perspective on Grace vs Grades at this challenging time [CLICK HERE]


Here is a link from National School Ministries to a spreadsheet with 150 enrichment activities for children – all levels. [CLICK HERE]


CPH has set up a page of devotional support and study resources for Worship, Study, and Home [CLICK HERE]


CPH is also offering a limited time to sign up for Faith Courses for free [CLICK HERE]


Bethany Lutheran Church in Naperville, IL, has shared their page of family devotional ideas [CLICK HERE] Family Devotional from Bethany LCMS Naperville, IL


LHM’s Gospel adventures will take your students on a new virtual mission trip to Thailand!  [CLICK HERE]


Keys for Kids Ministries offers daily devotions for kids and teens (not LCMS) [CLICK HERE]


Unlocked has daily devotions for teens (not LCMS) [CLICK HERE]


Truth For Kids has devotions and Bible Lessons (not LCMS) [CLICK HERE]


The Bible Project is geared more toward older student and has videos and resources geared toward experiencing the Bible in a way that is approachable, engaging and transformative [CLICK HERE] (not LCMS)


Learning A – Z is offering a free trial to Raz Kids which is leveled eBooks and eQuizzes for interactive reading practice [CLICK HERE]


On Teachers Pay Teachers there is a K – 2 Holy Week Packet available to download for $4 [CLICK HERE]


For younger students here are some downloadable Brain Breaks, Goal Charts and Schedules  [CLICK HERE]


This is a link to one teacher’s plans for the day but could be used as a good template for setting up daily plans. [CLICK HERE


Here is a link to Scholastic Education’s Learn at Home page [CLICK HERE]


Here is another link to Scholastics Learn at Home that breaks content into grade level areas [CLICK HERE]


On Teachers Pay Teachers here is a link to a free resource of four weeks of lessons for Kindergarten [CLICK HERE]


Spelling Training has online spelling practice and games [CLICK HERE]


Here is a link to virtual field trips.  Some have follow up activities [CLICK HERE]


This link is to a virtual tour of 12 famous museums [CLICK HERE]


This link will take you to a blog with 60 different math websites linked [CLICK HERE]


Newsela has created a page for ELA, Social Studies, Science specific for continuing instruction during the COVID-19 outbreak.  Be sure to click on the link for Individual Teacher and sign up [CLICK HERE]


This is also from Newsela, but is a specific remote teaching toolkit [CLICK HERE]


Here is a link to a website that will help you teach your students about presidential elections [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has hands on activities for families to do at home [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of best educational NETFLIX shows [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of websites for teaching and learning math [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of social studies websites for teachers [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of free science videos [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has a Storybook Video Series featuring children’s book authors [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of best podcasts for elementary, middle, and high school kids [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of Kinetic and sand activities for Pre-K and elementary [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a listing of genius ways to use play dough and it’s not just for preschool! [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has 30 Busy Bag ideas for Pre-K and elementary students [CLICK HERE]


Check out this list from We are Teachers with 16 card games to turn your students into math aces! [CLICK HERE]


Here is a link to a listing of ideas for Choir Teachers [CLICK HERE]


Another favorite for Music teachers [CLICK HERE]


This is a website by Mo Willems for Art lessons (Doodles) [CLICK HERE]


Here is another website with Art Lessons including an email with daily printables and videos [CLICK HERE]


We Are Teachers has a page of links broken into Elementary, Middle and High School, K-12 online learning as well as remote learning and

virtual classroom platforms. [CLICK HERE] and scroll down for your area of interest.


Learn in Color has a list of 75 educational activities for when you are stuck indoors [CLICK HERE]


Science Mom is a website of video lessons, printables and ideas for teaching science [CLICK HERE]


KidBlog is a safe way to publish kids writing where teachers can monitor all activity in the community of writers.


Spelling City is a site that helps with vocabulary words and reading comprehension


Splash Learn is a complete K-5 math learning program


Wordpress Blog is an easy to use blog platform for teacher parent student communication


Discovery Education has developed a three pronged response to help maintain the continuity of education to the communities they serve.


Studies Weekly has science and social studies newspapers electronically for K-6 classrooms.  They also have a response to the COVID-19 school closures to support teachers and continuing student’s education.


Bible Replay Schools at Home Bible curriculum for elementary students free for 30 days for Christian schools.


Daily Free Learning Workbooks for Teachers to Share with Parents while Schools are Closed - Kids will actually do these!

Anchor 1

Early childhood resources

This is a link to a you tube channel by Scott Boris who is an LCMS ECE Teacher.  He is at a school with and outdoor classroom and created these nature videos to share. [CLICK HERE]


Kim Marxhausen shares some tips on talking to younger children about the coronavirus [CLICK HERE]


Facebook Live - Our Savior Lutheran Church & COOS Preschool is doing daily Jesus time with their pastor, Pastor Dulling.  Like their page and you will have access for daily Jesus time and weekly chapels. They also have their music teacher doing live lessons.


The Fred Rogers Institute has shared this on talking to your kids about this situation [CLICK HERE]


This is access to a Google Drive folder with three weeks of lessons for Pre-K students [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has hands on activities for families to do at home [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a list of Kinetic and sand activities for Pre-K and elementary [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has created a listing of fun and creative ways to use play dough [CLICK HERE]


We are Teachers has 30 Busy Bag ideas for Pre-K and elementary students [CLICK HERE]


Learn in Color has a list of 75 educational activities for when you are stuck indoors [CLICK HERE]


First Things First: Tips for Talking with Young Children about Coronavirus [CLICK HERE]


First Things First: Promoting the early learning, lifelong impact message [CLICK HERE]


Online version of The Beginners Bible [CLICK HERE]


Story Online has different notable people reading books to kids [CLICK HERE]


CDC Supplemental Guidance for Childcare Programs that Remain Open [CLICK HERE]

Anchor 4

general resources

The US Dept. of Education has set up this page of resources for K-12 and Schools of Higher Learning [CLICK HERE]


You Tube has a tutorial to set up Zoom meetings to meet with parents, students or even give music lessons! [CLICK HERE]


CCFC has some tips and support for parents who are now educating their children at home [CLICK HERE]


This site has educational activities for all levels for when you are at home [CLICK HERE]


Meet Libby is a way to access ebooks and audio books from the public library system that can be borrowed instantly for free [CLICK HERE]  Also encourage parents to check out what their local library does with regard to apps and ebook availability.


Adventure Academy is offering two months for $5.00 as a special offer for their subscription services [CLICK HERE]


The LuthEd Facebook Community has created a shared Google folder to share eLearning ideas with the greater Lutheran education community.  Feel free to upload your ideas or take a look through what is already there [CLICK HERE]


Genesis Virtual Academy is eager to help with E-Learning that may be necessary among our schools as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.  We are able to provide training for your classroom teachers to implement short-term GVA courses as you seek a solution to effectively serve your students in all grades.  Even if you do not choose to use Genesis Virtual Academy courses, Kim Ross, the school's director, can assist you to better serve your students.  Please contact Kim Ross, the Director of Genesis Virtual Academy, at or at  (612) 567-6482 for more information.

This site is a listing of free online learning resources to be used at home [CLICK HERE]


Tim Elmore provides 5 steps to lead students wisely during the coronavirus pandemic. [CLICK HERE]


Special Needs Students: A handy chart featuring over 30 iPad apps for special needs students [CLICK HERE]


Learning apps for special needs students [CLICK HERE]


TEACH FROM HOME: Google-provided hub of extensive information and tools to help teachers [CLICK HERE]


Google Classroom Tutorial [CLICK HERE]


Five Ways to Discuss Coronavirus with Kids (English, Spanish​


Online reading books that are free: Overdrive, New York Public Library


Mental Health Resilience during a Public Health Emergency [CLICK HERE]


Rick Steves' free "Classroom Europe", featuring 400+ clips of "teachable moments" built especially for teachers [CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO DESCRIPTION], [CLICK HERE FOR CLASSROOM EUROPE TOOL]


LeaderEd Connect: Surround yourself with information from today’s leading education and technology thought leaders who share expert guidance on instructional practice, leadership, models and coaching. Let us inspire new ideas and creative thinking on strategy, innovation and leadership in your education practice. [CLICK HERE]


Free training from Boston Children's Hospital with specific sessions on:

  • An Overview of Social Emotional Development: What Can We Expect in the Classroom?

  • An Introduction to Behavioral Health in Schools: Supports for Students

  • Managing Behavioral Health Crises in School

  • Understanding Trauma and the Impact on Learning Part 1: Definitions and Effects on the Brain

  • Understanding Trauma and the Impact on Learning Part 2: Effect on Behavior, Learning, and Relationships


Seven pandemic survival tips for parents of young children from Dr. Mary Manz Simon [CLICK HERE]




Anchor 2

Online Learning Considerations and Set Up Helps

David Black shares considerations and basic information for transitioning to online education [CLICK HERE]


Tips for setting up Google Hangout for “meet events” [CLICK HERE]


CDC Considerations on School Closures are listed here [CLICK HERE]


Teachers Pay Teachers has shared some distance learning strategies to help teachers [CLICK HERE]


YouTube has a tutorial on how to find different channels for educational content [CLICK HERE]


This site has helpful tips for parents setting up a homeschool situation [CLICK HERE]


California Dept of Education resources that support distance learning [CLICK HERE]


These suggestions are from a teacher on programs for home learning


  • Dreambox (not a full curriculum but very kid friendly for lower elementary) they have voice and choice and allows for kids to work at their own pace through things

  • IXL - This is another resource to supplement with math.  The nice thing as a teacher is this is more 'assignable’, and teachers can give clear directions about what lessons they want classes to complete.   IXL is mastery based.  If you get problems wrong your score drops and if you get problems right, your score rises.  IXL also has lessons for English as well.

  • Mathantics videos - These videos are very well done and allows students to pause or rewatch

  • ALEKS online math is for advanced or middle school level students

  • Math Mammoth is a solid, homeschool curriculum that is in workbook form



Other Resources

  • Class Dojo can be used as a home base for all your communications.  Freshgrade is another option.

  • HyperDocs is an interactive approach to Google Docs that replaces the worksheet method of delivering instruction.

  • Edpuzzle is a free resource for teachers to make instructional videos. Students can log on and see what a teacher has assigned them to watch. Once students watch the video, the teacher can see who watched the video and who did not. The videos can have questions embedded in the video for students to answer, and the video pauses for them to answer the questions.  

  • Shutterfly classroom share site can upload videos they make and can share the link on their Shutterfly page.  Teachers can also provide links via emails of videos for science, social studies, Bible stories, etc.that can enrich and support lessons that have been sent home in learning packets during the closures.  

  • ABCya has resources for Pre-K through 6th grade.

  • BrainPop is offering use free of charge to teachers for the duration of time their school is closed.

  • Douglas Talks is a Christian puppet series sharing Biblical truths about God’s love, forgiveness, and more.

  • Hackers’ new target during pandemic: video conference calls

Anchor 3

mental health, stress & crisis management

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  1-800-273-8255
The 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. It provides Spanish-speaking counselors, as well as options for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. 

  • Línea de Vida Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio ofrece servicios gratuitos en español para alguien que está en crisis o necesita ayuda llame al 1-888-628-9454

  • Options for Deaf and Hard of Hearing 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746


Help for Students in Crisis - Mental Health (CA Dept of Education)


Ways for teachers and families to manage stress: "Self-Care & Thriving for Educators During a Public Health Crisis"


CDC on Stress and Coping


Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Anchor 6

Pacific Southwest District-LCMS
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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

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