PSD Call Manual
A Manual for Congregations Engaged in the Call Process
Note: The web version of the call manual (below)
will contain the most current content vs. the full call manual PDF above.
A regular agenda item at every meeting of the District President and Circuit Visitors is the process by which congregations elect a pastor through the Holy Spirit’s leading. Our purpose in giving this matter so much attention is to make it a process through which congregations can lay hold of God’s vision for their mission in their context, and call the pastor whom the Lord has selected to lead them.
This manual is one more attempt to live up to that opportunity. In the succeeding pages you will find helps in the following areas:
Understanding the Pastoral Vacancy Support System - Section I
Enriching Your Understanding of the Pastoral Call and the Relationship between Pastor and People - Section II
Understanding the Process of Calling of a Pastor - Section III
Understanding Terms That You Will Hear and Use - Section IV
Multiple appendices that provide additional information, samples of various related materials, and more
Because we have committed ourselves to make the calling process an opportunity rather than a burden, feel free to share any suggestions you have. As your District President, I will appreciate hearing from you.
Rev. Dr. Mike Gibson, President
Pacific Southwest District–LCMS